Breakfast WUNDA Panna Cotta

(Serves: 4)

200ml WUNDA Original 
40g Icing Sugar
6.5g (1 sachet) vegan gel 

For the Granola:
100g rolled oats
1 tbsp honey

To serve:
170g frozen raspberries 
150g blueberries

You will also need:
x4 small glasses
Parchment lined baking tray

Add the WUNDA Original, icing sugar and vegan gel to a pan over a low heat. Stir continuously until the mix just reaches the boil.

Pour the mix into 4 glasses and chill in the fridge until fully set .

For the granola: pre heat the oven to 180c/160 fan. Mix the oats with the honey and spread over the baking sheet. Bake for 10 mins.

When ready to serve, either turn the glass upside down to remove the panna cotta or serve in the glass.

Top with the blueberries, raspberries and homemade granola.